Sunday, August 9, 2009

Just got back from a nice Sunday afternoon ride. It was pretty hot, and the wind direction made the first 10 miles a lot of work, but the next 20+ were beautiful. I took a few photos of what I am sure will appear to be amazingly boring roads, but they were great for riding. I loved the scenary, and the lack of cars is always nice. I also saw wild turkeys, deer, cows, horses, corn and soy bean fields, and many other great wonders of Kansas :)

In other, completely unrelated news, I played in an alumni baseball game on Monday. It was a blast, and probably the most fun I have had all summer. It felt a little funny being back on the field for the first time in about 5 years, but it went pretty well, and we killed the current team. It was also really nice getting to reconnect with a lot of the guys I played with in high school (I think we had about 30 guys on the Alumni team).

Huge thunderstorm moving in. Great timing; I got to stay dry on my ride, and have some soothing thunder and rain to listen to while going to bed.

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  1. I like that you mapped your ride.

    You may delete this comment after you read it, but you might want someone (like me) to go through and edit your posts to fix the typos, especially if you're planning on showing this to some company or school you apply for someday.

  2. Matt - amazing pictures! I would love to ride along sometime, but without the hills :-)
